The Private Finance Initiative Model and the Social Infrastructure Challenge
This report is the AIIP's contribution to broadening public understanding of the PFI industry, assessing the past and present use of PFI to help develop a more sustainable future for the large number of Public Private Partnership assets in the UK.
Throughout this report, a balanced review emerges of an industry at an inflection point that nonetheless, with the right reshaping, can be a vital tool for ensuring the health of the nation's infrastructure for years to come, with enormous potential to address some of the challenges around public sector maintenance backlogs, pathways to net zero and healthcare capacity in the context of challenging fiscal constraints.
We would welcome the opportunity to discuss the contents of the report, and our recommendations, with any and all interested parties, including stakeholders in industry and government.
Click on the following links to download a copy:
The Private Finance Model and the Social Infrastructure Challenge
Annex B: Other Operational PPP Models
The AIIP Survey Data can be viewed here
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