AIIP Welcomes Civis as its newest member

The Association of Infrastructure Investors in Public Private Partnerships ("AIIP") has welcomed Civis PFI/PPP Infrastructure Fund General Partner Limited (“Civis”) as its newest member. Civis owns and operates a portfolio of over 20 operational PPP / PFI hospitals, schools, government buildings, accommodation and other projects in the UK and Ireland with a total capital value of c.£400m. The addition of Civis adds to the AIIP member share of the PFI market, with the total capital value of the assets owned by investment funds totalling around 65%.

The AIIP was launched in October 2023 by several of the major international infrastructure investors in UK infrastructure assets under the Public Private Partnerships model. The AIIP was established to provide one voice for the UK PPP investor market and is the first time infrastructure investment funds have come together in the UK in this way.

Barry Millsom, Managing Director of Civis, commented:

"We are delighted to join the AIIP member group, which collectively represents a significant share of the UK Infrastructure market both historically and for future much needed investment.  We remain committed to working with our fellow members in finding ways to encourage growth for future generations and we see the AIIP as the best opportunity in a generation to do this.”

Lord John Hutton, Chair of the AIIP, commented: 

The AIIP is pleased to welcome another member to the association.  Civis’ membership will further add to our ability to provide collaborative solutions to industry challenges.”


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OPPPS Keynote Address